Sunday, January 8, 2012

for "Mormons and the weird crap they believe"

(Youtube wouldn't let me put this in the description because it's too long.)

Alright mormons, you want scripture reference? Here.

Book of Mormon Racist Scriptures
1.             1 Nephi 11:13 (Mary) ". . . she was exceedingly fair and white."
2.             1 Nephi 12:23 (Prophecy of Lamanites after Christ) ". . . became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations."
3.             1 Nephi 13:15 (Gentiles) ". . . they were white, and exceedingly fair and beautiful, like unto my people [Nephites] before they were slain."
4.             2 Nephi 5:21 ". . . a sore cursing . . . as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them."
5.             2 Nephi 30:6 (Prophecy to Lamanites) ". . . scales of darkness shall begin to fall . . . they shall be a white and delightsome people." (Changed to pure and delightsome in 1981)
6.             Jacob 3:5 (Lamanites cursed) ". . .whom ye hate because of their filthiness and the cursing which hath come upon their skins. . ."
7.             Jacob 3:8-9 ". . .their skins will be whiter than yours . . . revile no more against them because of the darkness of their skins . . ."
8.             Alma 3:6 ". . . skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion. . ."
9.             Alma 3:8 (Cursed) ". . .that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren . . .that they might not mix . . ."
10.         Alma 3:9 ". . . whosoever did mingle his seed with that of the Lamanites did bring the same curse upon his seed."
11.         Alma 3:14 (Lamanites cursed) ". . . set a mark on them that they and their seed may be separated from thee and thy seed. . ."
12.         Alma 3:19 (Amlicites cursed) ". . . brought upon themselves the curse ..."
13.         Alma 23:18 ". . . [Lamanites] did open a correspondence with them [Nephites] and the curse of God did no more follow them."
14.         3 Nephi 2:14-16 ". . . Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites; And their curse was taken from them, and their skin became white like unto the Nephites . . . became exceedingly fair . . ."
15.         3 Nephi 19:25, 30 (Disciples) ". . . they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness . . . nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof . . . they were white, even as Jesus."
16.         Mormon 5:15 (Prophecy about Lamanites) ". . .shall become a dark, a filthy, and a loathsome people, beyond the description of that which ever hath been amongst us . . ."
Mormon 5:17 "They were once a delightsome people . .

African Americans were not allowed to hold the priesthood until after 1978 when God supposedly had a revelation.

The Devil Residing within the water

". . . [T]here are many dangers upon the waters, and more especially hereafter; For I, the Lord, have decreed in mine anger many destructions upon the waters; yea, and especially upon these waters. Nevertheless, all flesh is in mine hand, and he that is faithful among you shall not perish by the waters. . . . Behold, I, the Lord, in the beginning blessed the waters; but in the last days, by the mouth of my servant John, I cursed the waters. Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters. And it shall be said in days to come that none is able to go up to the land of Zion upon the waters, but he that is upright in heart. And, as I, the Lord, in the beginning cursed the land, even so in the last days have I blessed it, in its time, for the use of my saints, that they may partake the fatness thereof. And now I give unto you a commandment that what I say unto one I say unto all, that you shall forewarn your brethren concerning these waters, that they come not in journeying upon them, lest their faith fail and they are caught in snares; I, the Lord, have decreed, and the destroyer rideth upon the face thereof, and I revoke not the decree. I, the Lord, was angry with you yesterday, but today mine anger is turned away."
(Doctrine & Covenants Section 61)

Mormons becoming Gods
The Doctrine & Covenants states:
19 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, ...Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; ...and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, ...and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.
20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.
21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.
22 For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me. (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-22)

  Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.2, p.39:
SONS OF GOD BECOME GODS. If the faithful, who keep the commandments of the Father, are his sons, then they are heirs of the kingdom and shall receive of the fulness of the Father's glory, even until they become like the Father. And how can they be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect if they are not like him? . . . And if they receive his fulness and his glory, and if "all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs," how can they receive these blessings and not become gods? They cannot.
Journal of Discourses, Vol.2, p.85 - p.86, Orson Hyde, October 6, 1854:
When the servants of God and their wives go to heaven there is an eternal union, and they will multiply and replenish the world to which they are going.

Journal of Discourses, Vol.22, p.125, George Q. Cannon, October 31, 1880:
Every man and every woman who prays unto the Father, who is in the habit of doing so, expresses that desire in his or her prayer--that we may be counted worthy to receive celestial glory and exaltation in the presence of God and the Lamb. ... When we talk about celestial glory, we talk of the condition of endless increase; if we obtain celestial glory in the fullest sense of the word, then we have wives and children in eternity, we have the power of endless lives granted unto us, the power of propagation that will endure through all eternity, all being fathers and mothers in eternity; fathers of fathers, and mothers of mothers, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, and shall I say more? Yes, all becoming gods.

****Note, video correction. God resides NEAR the star Kolob. I apologize for the error.

Masonic Acts in the Temple
See this website for images of the symbols used by masons BEFORE Joseph Smith began using them as well. (the beehive, all seeing eye,  garment markings, apron, anointing with oil, moon, new name given, star and sun symbols, blood/death oaths, five points of fellowship, etc)
Masonary = cult
The beheading and disembowelment gesture I did in the video are from the endowment ceremony pre 1990. The endowment ritual has undergone a number of major revisions in the 150 years since it was first introduced by Joseph Smith. The most drastic revision was in 1990, when major parts of the earlier forms of the endowment were removed, perhaps because even Mormons found them too offensive. As these Masonic rituals were performed, this is what was stated by patrons:
“All this I most solemnly , sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself, under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly violate this my Master Mason’s obligation, So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”

These were done as a warning to members. Those who revealed the secrets of the temple would be beheaded and disemboweled by God.

The Mormon Church and Money

While some tithing is used for welfare for members and some is donated to charities, a large portion of tithing money goes unaccounted for.
Note: The Mormon Church is more interested in shopping malls and cattle ranches than in helping the poor.  By its own admission, the Mormon Church gave $60,000,000 in humanitarian aid last year.  It is spending 15 times that for shopping malls.  

In Jan. 2006, from the Church PR department, (Deseret News Publishing Company): Edgley said, “that since 1984, the LDS Church has donated nearly $750 million in cash and goods to people in need in more than 150 countries.”   That averages to 37.5 million per year or about $3-$4 per Mormon member went to the poor.   The total of $750 million in 22 years spent in cash in goods to people in need is less than HALF what the church is spending on these malls.    Less than half!!   The Mormon church is spending less than 1% of its income to help the poor.  Is the Mormon church really a charitable organization?

City Creek Mall is SLC, Utah, completely church funded, will exceed 4 billion dollars. That is YOUR tithing money at work to help the needy people of the world. Really???

Baptizing Jewish Holocause victims

(Taken directly from, a Jewish website obviously very hurt and angered by the lds church baptizing Jewish holocause victims.)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as the LDS or Mormons) has spent millions of dollars microfilming, indexing and cataloging nearly every document known to man from every country on earth -- including millions of Jewish records. Church members are encouraged to find the names of ancestors to baptize by proxy, which they believe gives the dead the opportunity to embrace the faith in the afterlife. They say that those who are dead retain their identity and free will and therefore can either accept or reject the rites performed for them. A hands-on proxy baptism ceremony, called an ordinance, takes place in a Mormon temple, and includes full immersion to wash away sins and commence church membership. It is supposedly performed, commentators say, for people who had believed in Christ, but had not had a chance to be baptized. To be baptized is to publicly acknowledge one's faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. Originally, the practice was reserved for ancestors of church members, but over the years many other people have been baptized posthumously.
From the founding of their religion in 1830, Mormons have respected Judaism as a religion. Thus in 1994, Jews were outraged when it became known that members of LDS were posthumously baptizing Holocaust victims and other Jewish dead. Many followers of Judaism find the practice highly offensive, something akin to the forced baptism of Jews practiced for centuries in Europe during the Middle Ages. Some see the practice as an implicit bias, an act of intolerance.
The wrongful baptism of Jewish dead, which disparages the memory of a deceased person is a brazen act which will obscure the historical record for future generations. It has been bitterly opposed by many Jews for a number of years. Others say they will never stop being Jews, simply because there is a paper saying they had been baptized, that the act of posthumous baptism is unimportant and should be ignored. We think this to be a narrow, parochial, and shallow view. We will continue opposing this wrongful act which assimilates our dead to the point where it will not be possible to know who was Jewish in their lifetimes.”

God having a body of flesh and Bone

"The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also, but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us" (D. & C. 130:22).

One reason the LDS teach that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones is because they believe that is the way Joseph Smith saw God in 1820 (see P. of G.P. J. S. History 1:16-17). LDS also believe that God became God through the process of "eternal progression," and that men today can become gods

Missionaries and getting married quickly

In spite of these fears, returned missionaries are encouraged to seek a wife. “Every person should want to be married,” said Elder Spencer W. Kimball. “There are some who might not be able to, but every person should want to be married because that is what God in heaven planned for us. …
“Missionaries should begin to think marriage when they return from their missions. … There seems to be an increasing number who abandon the idea of marriage. …
“There will be many excuses, of course: ‘I could not support a wife and go to college.’ … ‘I thought it would be proper to wait a few years for my marriage and my children.’ What the Lord will say to these excuses we can only imagine. We are sure he will at least say, ‘You have not placed first things first.’”
(Spencer W. Kimball, Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982, pp. 291–92.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are awesome!!! I was also caught up into a cult. It was Ahmadiyya. It is very similiar to Mormonism, in fact it is almost exactly the same. Please email me

  3. from watching your videos it seems to me you were hurt by memebers of the church when you decided you didnt want to join, I am a memeber and if I was your friend or if any of my friends did not want to become a member I would never force my religion on them, I would lead my example, and I would still be there friend, You cant judge a church on its memebers not all of us are like your friends.

  4. Pt one: Priesthood and the Blacks: no, the church doesn't attempt to "hide" that aspect of it's history. There's a difference between being aware of something and just not drawing attention to it and going out of your way to hide all evidence of it. It happened, the Church received a revelation that the priesthood segregation should end, and they all went for it. yes, some people left the church after that revelation, but many more joined. Funny thing is, the Church didn't receive any flack for it until years AFTER the revelation was received. It's what's called judging outside the context of the era.

    Point 2: Devil and the waters. if you read the actual chapter, in context, you'll realize it was in regards to the Mississippi river, which, after receiving the revelation, and continuing on the river, the company almost capsized, so they continued their journey on foot. LDS who refuse to enter deep waters at all are being overly cautious of that revelation, but as it's still in the process of being fulfilled, I'm sure most LDS will agree that water is fine for the most part (careful of that undertow!).

    1. Devin,
      1. Yes, the Church is now telling journalists and non-mormons that it never taught that blacks were cursed, and never taught they were the children of Cain, and "does not know why" they banned blacks for 130 years. All lies.
      2. I was told as a Mormon missionary that I could not swim in the ocean or lakes or ponds or river because the Devil had dominion over the water and he hated missionaries and would drown them if we swam. Was told that my Blythe Moyes, my Mission President, and Karl C. Homer, my next mission president.
      Read this:

    2. HEAR HEAR!!!!! this person is a person who only tells part of the truth. Plus the bible, book of mormon, doctrine and covenants, and joseph smith history are all full of expressions.

    3. That is where she gets the devil and the pool of water.

    4. go to and search it up to get your facts right

  5. Point 3: Eternal Progression. Yup; Mormons believe that, as the Bible states, we are children of God, and as children, heirs, joint-heirs with Christ if it so be with suffer with him. Now there is a difference all Mormons make between God, being the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and gods, the eternally glorified beings mankind has the opportunity of becoming. We will always look to our Father as our Lord and God, even as we begin to live as He lives.

    Point 4: Masonic resemblances and the evolving Temple Ceremony

    Since, historically, the Masonics receieved their rituals from back when the Temple of Solomon was built, it is not unreasonable to consider that similarities would exist between them and a Church that claims to be the restoration of the same gospel and religious rites performed in the days of Solomon.

    In regards to the evolving ceremony, you'll notice that the essential covenants have remained consistent, while the superfluous aspects were edited out for time's sake. You may or may not be aware, but the original ceremony lasted over eight hours. If you believe in modern, "live-streaming" revelation, it's not unreasonable for a God, aware of and ever-constricting demands on our time, would allow for an editing out of non-essential aspects to further His work.

    point 5: Tithing and the Church's "other" projects

    Here's a lesson you should have learned in seminary.
    Tithing: 10% of all your increase that should be given to the Lord, as written in the Bible. All the money received through tithing is used in the upkeep of chapels and temples and schools.
    Fast Offerings: typically the monetary value of the two meals you would be sacrificing during your fast, though you are encouraged to be as generous as circumstances allow. This money is spent on helping out the poor and needy throughout the world, in maintaining the Bishop's store-house and for general welfare purposes as deemed necessary by the Presiding Bishopric of the Church.

    Moneys for malls and such do not come from these sources, but through investments and other business ventures done through other avenues the Church chooses to take.

  6. Point 6: Baptisms for the Dead

    Yes, the church performs this, they used to do baptisms for everyone they could get information on. After the unfortunate events surrounding the Holocaust, the Jewish descendants of the victims asked the Church to stop, and the Church not only complied, but changed it's policies so that only deceased ancestors of current LDS members themselves are to have temple work done for them, and only by permission of the closest living relative.

    And no, doing temple work for the departed doesn't "force" them into the Church as your video implies; they are given the opportunity to accept or reject the supplied ordinance with it's attendant consequences. God will force no man.

    Point 7: God's physicality

    Yes, God is a physical, exalted Man, living in eternal glory, as is His Son, who received His own immortal, physical body upon His resurrection. It's Biblical, it's scriptural. Take it or leave it.

    Did God have "relations" with Mary? Nowhere is the LDS cannon does it even hint at that theory. Mary herself asked how she was to conceive, being a vergin, and Gabriel stated that the Holy Ghost would come upon her. The Book of Mormon states that she was overshadowed by the power of the Holy Ghost. Any Mormon who states there were "physical relations" is misinformed.

    Point 8: Missionaries and Marriage

    in this day and age, where most LDS men are converts to the Church, it is not official doctrine to only marry returned missionaries. Now whether the local mormon culture makes that incorrect assumption or not is another thing, unfortunately.

    And no, no parent wants their son, or daughter, to go on a mission if they're not ready, spiritually or otherwise. And to insinuate that they'd rather their child died in the field than come home without a testimony is such a terrible statement on your part. If that's the conclusion you came to in your dealings with LDS families, you sure were dealing with the bottom of the barrel.

    Point 9: Church Standards

    Yes, the LDS church keeps very high standards in relation to general US customs of dress and behavior. They are seemingly strict because it has been shown that by not adhering to them, the chances of you falling into sin are much higher. The thing is, they only seem harsh if you have no desire to align yourself with their teachings. No, wearing additional earrings are not going to make or break your chances of entering heaven, but your adherence to those standards is usually indicative of your willingness to keep the more important commandments.

    In conclusion: it's unfortunate that you attempt to paint such broad negative strokes about the LDS faith without giving the context or the entire facts about why certain things are the way the are. You seem to just throw out random "facts" as a way of shocking your non-LDS viewers. You may disagree with the faith, but your coloured representation of their beliefs, bereft of context or the whole story, leaves much to be desired.

    1. Thank you, Devin , for exposing the gross inadequacies in this movie

    2. Thank you another mormon*high five* :)

  7. Dear Exposing Deceit. You are very cute, and 98 per cent of what you say is true. If you live in Utah, and the Polynesian Mormons know you are doing this, they'll try to beat you up. I'm serious. So, be careful.

  8. Just wanted to write and say how brave you are and I've enjoyed your videos. I'm not with the Mormon faith. I'm an ordained evangelical Christian minister coming out of the Orthodox Jewish faith. I'm not really "converted" out of the Jewish Faith. I tell everybody that I'm "completed". The closest thing that you might have heard about is "Messianic Judaism".

    A lot of what you have been talking about was told to me by a Mormon in Boise, Idaho that I stayed with during an overnight stop. He thought that I was a likely candidate in joining the church. I just let him talk because I was curious in learning what he believed in.

  9. You know, I am not even Mormon and I can tell you that a lot of your, shall we say disfavorable facts you use against the religion, are wrong. If I submitted the majority of them to my Theology professors in the papers I write for those classes, I would not receive passing grades for those papers because the the facts would be so erroneous. And most of those theology professors are Atheist. I just wanted to let you know, it's ok to speak out against things you don't agree with, but it hurts your case and your efforts when you have so much wrong information.

  10. Urstadt is right.
    I don't believe in Mormonism at all, but your information is wack. ..

  11. Seriously...where are you getting your information? Let me tell you this. I am a Mormon. I just spent a week snorkeling in the Pacific ocean. My mormon friend just spent a week scuba diving in the Caribbean. No devil there. I am a woman and receive revelation from God just as my husband does. I am not treated as a second class citizen at all. The hand gestures you talk about in the temple, never seen them. I go to the temple often. You say that if men don't go on missions, they are deemed insufficient. This is absolutely not true. Our bishop didn't go on a mission. Also, I have two earring holes in each ear. It's sad now uninformed you are...

    1. The reason you do not see the hand gestures she mentions today is those were removed from the temple ceremony approx. in 1990 or 1991. I am a former Mormon so I know first hand from temple attendance. Most of what the author mentions here is true. As for the avoidance of water I have never heard that one before, myself. However since you frequent the temple for more information you should see "Ed Decker goes to the the Temple" part 1 and 2. It is true that in the temple ceremony, it is satan who commands participants to put on their aprons, not Jesus or God. Think about this next time you attend. Why follow what satan says in the ceremony? I always had a weird feeling about the temple. It is full of masonic signs, symbols, and handshakes. Very interesting. And it is also worth consideration: why the temple has a "veil" because after Jesus paid the price, the veil was rent and torn symbolizing the veil was no longer required and needed because of Jesus' sacrifice. (Mark 15:38) Why are Mormons practicing as if Jesus had not come or fulfilled the law? I believe it is a rejection of the biblical Jesus and His sacrifice and grace. 2 Cor 11:3, "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted---you may well put up with it!" Seek Truth in Jesus Christ and let all other things fall away. For Jesus said, "I am the Truth, the Way and the Life and no man come to the Father but by Me." John 14:6 This means you do not need religion, you need a relationship with Christ. “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” (Mat 7:22-23)

    2. I am Mormon, and the only reason I dont snorkal anymore is the 200lb wheelchair tied to my behind.

  12. HAHAHAHAHAHA Thank you, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I haven't run into such ill-informed opinions since my mission. *whew* thank-you I needed a laugh today

  13. The truth is...most mormons who defend the faith are, out of ignorance or fear! That is it! they only think they truly believe or understand it because it is fear of what might happen if they don't! (i speak on my behalf as well on this fact) Those that defend out of ignorance, whether they're 10,20,40,or 70 yrs old....they seriously don't know any different. They either have a long family history of mormonism, live in a heavily mormon community, or flat-out haven't done/seen/or researched anything outside of what the mormons have to offer. Especially scholastically....if a mormon goes to college outside a church-organized educational establishment...they are not 'fed' the unbacked rhetoric; it then occurs to the ignorant ones that a decision must be made. If they are going to continue to believe nonsense for the rest of their life, or if they are going to continue to believe nonsense out of fear. For some it is easy to get out of the deceit...pathways have been cleared (like not a strong family history...not a big mormon community,etc) and then there are those who have so many brick walls standing in their way that they could lose everything from family, friends, marriages, etc that it becomes far too they become trapped! I know a mormon family that is trapped and they don't even know it...they have 5 kids, the dad is a physician and a smart man...but because he is soooo stretched with not just working about 50-60hours a week as a doctor, but he is also stretched bc he has 5 kids to tend to and a stay-at-home wife who has needs he has to tend to, and on top of all that he is like the regional scout every weekend or every evening he has to drive an hour or so to fill his duties there! When does he sleep? When does his wife and children actually get to see him? For a church that makes such a hoop-la about family, why can't they cut him a break and ask some other guy...better yet use their persuasive power to get a lazier unmarried ignorant man to do the job for him! All the pressures the church puts on a man is incredibly disgusting to me! They are breaking men, they are breaking the family, NOT building it up!----ooops! I had coffee so the caffeine is ranting a little (a BIG mormon no-no)

  14. I was raised Baptist and joind the church I was sealed in the temple in 1985. The Covenants I made were to Heavenly Father not the Church. Symbolism is used in the temple. Much the same way as a babtist minister sharfes personal stories to get his point across. Most of all I want you all to know my Studies are the Old and New Testiment and The Book of Morman and D&C. When Christ was asked by the Pharasies wich commandments were most important. He told them Love thy Lord God with all your Heart and love your neibor as you love youself. That was simbolic saying all the commandments were important. Not that there was only 2 commandments now. Just like when Christ last words were my father, my father why has though Forsaken me. He was quoting Psalms 22. He loved Psalms and refered to them often.

  15. Amazing ... The quotes of your leaders and their sources given and still they call them lies. Has it not acurred to you that your testimony is the same as every other? The same as you whisper to your child to repeat. Get them singing ' I hope thy call me on a mission, when I have grown a foot or two'. This is the beining of the brain washing.
    A study co-written by Cragun and recently published in Free Inquiry estimates that the Mormon Church donates only about 0.7 percent of its annual income to charity; the United Methodist Church gives about 29 percent. One family in a lifetime could easily have donated enough to pay for an
    entier chaple.
    Here, from your church. Yes, Joseph was married to Helen Mar Kimbal age 14 and Fanny Alger age 14 or 15. Now convince me that this was of God.

  16. * In the BOM they were Jews, 2 Nephi 5:10. No were dose the book mention Passover feasts, observance of celebration, subbatical feasts, jubalees, purification rituals or circumcision. Nowhere in this Jewish text. Mosiah 2:4 Jews would never use the first born as a burnt offering. Only as a peace offering.
    Direct revelation from God. Mosiah 7:8, Alma 5:10, Alma 24:19. Jacob 3:15, didn't happen.
    The Miracle of Forgiveness" by Spencer W. Kimball, which leads members to believe that they should rather be clean dead than alive unclean. It implies that someone who is abused, raped or harassed sexually is part of the problem.
    When I left Mormonism, I was amazed at how quickly my good LDS friends, yes the same ones I served with, loved, helped move, wanted nothing to do with me. Why? I dared question the sacred stories. No adultery, no bombs, just questioned the lie they hold. But that told me everything I needed to know about our friendship. It was thin at best.

  17. When it comes to charitable organizations, use your head. Do the research! Don’t give money to charities that have CEOS making millions of dollars! mormons!

  18. Before you say NO they dont get payed. Watch this utube clip and then you will know: "LDS Mormon Church - No Paid Clergy?" also clip: "I am going to Monson's second house in Midway Utah to say hi, 140 west farm road 1" If that dosn't clinch it for you see clip: "Mormon authorities have stolen tithing money for years, borrowed without paying back, etc."
    Now if you havent researched early church tith and how they allotted it, well that will be a fun little project for you to do. Remamber friends searching for truth is a good thing. The truth shall set you free.
